Available Dorper Sheep
The American Dorper Sheep Breeders Association recognizes a breeding up program. The lambs of a registered Ram (Fullblood or Pureblood) bred to a Commercial Dorper Ewe (not registered) may be registered at 50%, then 75%, then 85% and finally 93% (considered Purebred). Percentage Rams are not eligible to participate in the breeding up program.
We offer Fullblood, Purebred and Percentage (Breeding Up Program) Registered Ewes and Fullblood, Purebred Registered Rams
Registered Ram/Ewe Lambs start out at $600
Registered (over a year) Rams/Ewes start out at $900
** Percentage Registered Ewe Lambs (sire will be one of our herd sires) start out at $400
Commercial Ram Lambs (must contact prior to lambing season for a commercial ram lamb as we DO NOT keep intact commercial rams as they do not qualify for the breeding up program through ADSBS
Commercial Ewes (over a year - not related to one of our herd sires) start out at $400